La Escuela Naciones Unidas

La Escuela Naciones Unidas
Granada, Nicaragua

Lesson Plan: Week #6

Week #6 Lesson Plan

Theme: Wrap-Up

o   Mini Class by Lesbia

When to plant
 How to prepare the earth

o   Plant (if the kids bring seeds)
o   Write letters to community members asking for volunteers, donations, and help with the garden

  Discuss with kids what it means to maintain a garden
Ask them what help we might need, how can we ask for that help
 Talk about the different parts of a letter
·      Greeting
·      Body
o   Who we are
o   What are we doing
o   What do we need help with
·      Sign-off
o   Thank you and signature
o   Together make a pledge to care for the garden and have each kid sign it. Talk with the class about:      
 What does it mean to maintain the garden?
What are things you can do?

o   Materials 

o   Fancy paper to write the pledge on

o   Paper/notebooks


            By biggest goal for the final week with the kids was to get them thinking about “next steps” and to make sure that they recognize the work isn't over. Just because I am leaving, doesn’t mean the garden is done. I had the kids brainstorm and then write letters to friends, family, community members, businesses, the Ministry of Education, etc., to ask for help with the garden. A few of the kids even wrote their letters to me! I was happy to see that they recognized me as a resource and as someone who could help them, even after I had returned to the U.S. After we finished the letters I talked with the kids and asked them what they thought they needed to do in order to maintain their gardens. I wrote all their ideas down on a sheet of paper and then had all the kids sign it. Lesbia and I then asked the teacher to hang it up in the room so that the students could have a visual reminder of the promises they made to keep the garden going.

Below is an example of a pledge the students at Dezandberg came up with:

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